PhD Students

  • Faith Ahabyona

    Project / Thesis: Decision Enhancement Studio for Credit Facilitation and Input Supply for Agricultural Cooperatives In Uganda

    Year of Completion: 2019 | Student Level: PhD Student

    • Robert Tweheyo

      Project / Thesis: Indigenous Knowledge and Food Security: Enhancing Decisions of Rural Farmers

      Year of Completion: 2018 | Student Level: PhD Student

      • Hasifa Kasujja

        Project / Thesis: A decision enhancement studio for enabling evidence-based planning and monitoring in maternal health care service delivery

        Year of Completion: 2018 | Student Level: PhD Student

        • Theodora M. Twongyirwe

          Project / Thesis: Knowledge Management for the Industrialisation of Small Medium Enterprise in Resource Constrained Areas: A Case of the Dairy Sector in Uganda

          Year of Completion: 2018 | Student Level: PhD Student

          • Godfrey Onyait

            Project / Thesis: Software Agent-Based Model for Personalized Feedback Generation in E-Learning

            Year of Completion: 2018 | Student Level: PhD Student