Unleashing mobile phones for research supervision support at Makerere University.

The Authors:

Muyinda, P.B., Lubega, J.T. and Lynch, K.

Publication Type: Journal Paper   |    No. of Views: 760 views

Year of Publication: 2010


This paper provides the lessons learned in an m-learning initiative to support distance learning students undertaking a field research project. Learner survey and staff interview data revealed that m-learning overcomes the odds that inhibit the implementation of 'conventional' e-learning and creates a platform for regular interaction. M-learning creates a customer care attitude and intimacy between the interacting parties, hence removing the phobia that students attach to lecturers. It encourages active learning, paces learners and improves learner satisfaction and motivation. On the contrary, m-learning creates cognitive overload for a lecturer facilitating a large group of students and introduces a strange vocabulary.