The Mobile Research Supervision Initiative (MRSI) at Makerere University.
The Authors:
Muyinda, B. P., Lubega, J., Lynch, K.
Publication Type: Journal Paper | No. of Views: 714 views
Year of Publication:
Mobile Research Supervision Initiative
(MRSI) at Makerere University:
Lessons to Learn
Paul B. Muyinda, Kathy Lynch and Jude T. Lubega
The rapid technological development in mobile phones coupled with their rapid
diffusion into all walks of life has instigated various sectors to exploit them for
various purposes aimed at enhancing organizational efficiency and flexibility. The
communication, business, financial, banking and education sectors have developed
and continue to develop applications for mobile phones. Our research sought to
evaluate an initiative introduced at Makerere University’s Department of Distance
Education (Mobile Research Supervision Initiative – MRSI), for guiding (using mobile
phones) distance learners who were completing their final year field research projects.
The study adopted a mixed methods research approach, employing a self administered
semi-structured questionnaire/survey, in-depth interviews and document review
methods for data collection. Results from the evaluation have indicated that the
mobile research supervision: i) created a virtual community of practice amongst
research students and their supervisors, ii) motivated lonely distance learners in the
field, iii) created a customer care feeling amongst students, and iv) bred intimacy
amongst the alumni and their institution. The results of this study could be used
to inform the development of mobile learning policy and pedagogy for developing