A Framework for e-Learning Resources Sharing (FeLRS).

The Authors:

Ayoo, P. O and Lubega, J. T.

Publication Type: Journal Paper   |    No. of Views: 720 views

Year of Publication: 2014


Educational resource sharing is emerging as a viable means to improve the quality of and access to education. By pooling resources and taking advantage of each other's expertise, learning providers could build adequate capacity and reduce costs, tap into the resources that they do not have and participate in a networked resource development process. This paper describes an on-going study that was undertaken to explore the feasibility of sharing electronic educational resources within higher education. It takes the case of universities in East Africa, and proposes a Framework for e-Learning Resources Sharing (FeLRS) that is expected to maximize the utilization of available e-learning resources for academic and research purposes . Two case studies are undertaken to collect data from a sample of universities in five countries, and descriptive statistics is used to analyze and present the data. Unified Modeling Language (UML) is used to provide the notation for describing the processes which are logically grouped into two general scenarios – laying foundation for e-resources sharing, and implementation arrangements for e-resources sharing. The resultant framework is described showing the relationships between the various processes that lead to e-learning resources sharing. These main processes include establishing demand for e-resources, harmonisation of policies and processes, resources mobilization, developing ICT hu man resources capacity, establishing physical infrastructure, maintaining adequate e-resources, and creating awareness for e-resources.